Privacy Policy

The present data privacy warranty applies specifically and exclusively to Everlux’s service.

Internet is a fabulous communication tool. Its significance in our lifes grows on a daily basis, as with just a simple click we have the world at our feet. People become closer, experiences are shared more quickly. Society evolves at a galloping rhythm.

For all these reasons and so that all develop further confidence in this communication means, it is important for Everlux that all its service users and webpage visitors rest assured of their data confidentiality.
When we ask you to supply your name, address, phone number, academic qualifications, among others, our purpose is to keep a closer relationship with our users. With your registration in our website, we address you by your first name, and become closer to you so that we may answer your needs or requests in a more efficient way.

If, for any reason, Everlux feels the need to update this privacy policy, you shall be the first to know.

Everlux assures that this information WILL NOT be used in any listings with promotional purposes via email or telephone, nor will it be released to any other organization or company. Everlux assures it will protect its privacy and will develop a huge effort to guarantee the use of reliable enough technology to make your online experience safer on a daily basis and reinforce its online relationships.

May you have any further issue regarding this warranty, please do not hesitate to contact.